Pixology is a monthly digital magazine featuring in-depth articles on a wide range of topics of interest to photographers. Pixology magazine contains no advertising--just great articles related to photography, workflow, organization, software tools, image optimization, gear, and more.
NOTE: Pixology magazine is included in the GreyLearning Ultimate Bundle, so if you subscribe to the Ultimate Bundle, you already have access to Pixology magazine on the My Dashboard page after signing in with your GreyLearning user name and password.
Here is a summary of some of the articles from recent issues:
- Learn about the benefits made possible by the catalog that is a core feature of Lightroom Classic (June 2024)
- Get tips for cleaning the sensor on your camera, and keeping it clean in the first place (June 2024)
- Discover a streamlined workflow for putting a solid neutral density filter to use (June 2024)
- See how you can easily create photos that don't contain any people, even in crowded places (June 2024)
- Get the story of how a creative blur effect enabled a photo in a difficult situation (June 2024)
- Learn how to calculate an equivalent exposure based on specific goals for a photograph (May 2024)
- Discover how you can automate the process of creating derivative copies of photos with a drag-and-drop workflow in Adobe Bridge (May 2024)
- See how you can use reference view in Lightroom Classic to evaluate one photo while adjusting another (May 2024)
- Learn how the least sophisticated tool for image cleanup can sometimes be the most helpful (May 2024)
- Get the story behind a photo that involved seeking an optimal vantage point for sod on the roof (May 2024)
- Get tips for creating dramatic images with a silhouetted foreground subject (April 2024)
- Add reminders directly to an image with the Note tool in Photoshop (April 2024)
- Save favorite locations for quick access to photos in Lightroom Classic (April 2024)
- Easily compensate for the behavior of a lens with profile-based corrections (April 2024)
- Get the story about how dreary weather added a moody effect for a simple scene (April 2024)
- Learn how to add a color tint to a black and white photo (March 2024)
- Get tips for creating a great photo slideshow (March 2024)
- Find out how to create workspaces focused on specific tasks in Adobe Bridge (March 2024)
- Learn about flexible options for supporting a camera with a beanbag (March 2024)
- Read the story behind a photo that worked out well despite a complete lack of preparation (March 2024)
- Get tips for capturing better photographs at night (February 2024)
- Learn how you can access photos from Lightroom Classic from virtually anywhere using a web browser (February 2024)
- Discover how you can maximize detail for printed photos by adjusting the black and white point based on a printer test (February 2024)
- See how you can achieve unique natural media effects for a photo with Snap Art from Exposure Software (February 2024)
- Get the story behind a photo where good timing worked out twice as good as expected (February 2024)
- See how you can now manage local photos as well as photos in cloud-based storage in the cloud-focused version of Adobe Lightroom (January 2024)
- Learn to reduce depth of field after the fact with the powerful Lens Blur feature (January 2024)
- Discover options for blending the texture from one image into another using Photoshop (January 2024)
- Get tips for cleaning up the Keyword List in Lightroom Classic to streamline your workflow (January 2024)
- Get the story behind a photo captured when visiting a location previously skipped during a road trip in Spain (January 2024)
- Learn to better understand bit depth and how it can have a significant impact on image quality (December 2023)
- Gain insights into the powerful new Point Color adjustment available in Camera Raw and Lightroom (December 2023)
- Find out the catalog maintenance tasks you may want to perform periodically in Lightroom Classic (December 2023)
- See how much more flexibility you can exercise with the updated Gradient tool in Photoshop (December 2023)
- Get the story behind putting a camera at risk in an effort to capture interesting photos (December 2023)
- Get tips on achieving optimal white balance in your photos. (November 2023)
- Learn how to check for dust and other blemishes on your camera's image sensor. (November 2023)
- Discover how you can easily add a text or graphic watermark to images you share from Lightroom Classic. (November 2023)
- See how you can create collections of photos to organize beyond folders in Adobe Bridge. (November 2023)
- Read about being reminded to turn around to check for unexpected photo opportunities. (November 2023)
- Learn how to plan and capture great photos of a solar eclipse. (October 2023)
- Discover the various ways you can zoom and pan within a photo in Lightroom Classic. (October 2023)
- Make the most of a starburst effect with a top ten list of tips. (October 2023)
- See how easy it is to create a high dynamic range (HDR) panorama using Photoshop or Lightroom Classic. (October 2023)
- Read the story about an unexpected piece of "gear" that led to an interesting perspective when photographing a pod of orcas. (October 2023)
- Get tips for being more deliberate in your approach to capturing great photographs. (September 2023)
- Learn about creative effects for black and white images. (September 2023)
- Discover the many options available for exporting copies of your photos from Lightroom Classic. (September 2023)
- Learn about the key difference (and the similarities) between the Opacity and Flow settings for brushes in Photoshop. (September 2023)
- Read the story of seeking out a photo opportunity with the help of a notable local. (September 2023)
- Learn how you can download your photos to an iPhone or iPad without using a computer. (August 2023)
- Discover how you can use a template for batch renaming photos in Lightroom Classic. (August 2023)
- Avoid confusion about the various commands for saving images in Photoshop. (August 2023)
- Quickly and easily fix red eye with Lightroom Classic or Camera Raw. (August 2023)
- Get the story behind a photo where shadows provided a subject when the overall location wasn't providing much inspiration. (August 2023)
- Get the details about a new beta feature of Photoshop you can use to generate image contents based on artificial intelligence (AI) technology. (July 2023)
- Review ten tips for reviewing photos to identify favorites versus outtakes. (July 2023)
- Learn how to simulate the appearance of a printed photo on your monitor display using Photoshop. (July 2023)
- Find out how easy it can be to assemble a composite panorama in Lightroom Classic or Camera Raw. (July 2023)
- Get the story behind the capture of a photo of a challenging subject that was constantly changing. (July 2023)
- Learn how you can use a Gradient Map adjustment in Photoshop for creative effects such as black and white, duotone, split toning, and more. (June 2023)
- Get tips on making the most of keywords to help you find photos fast and get reminded of the contents of an image. (June 2023)
- Discover the new feature of Camera Raw (for Photoshop) and Lightroom Classic that leverages artificial intelligence for noise reduction. (June 2023)
- Learn techniques for extending the frame of a photo in Photoshop, such as when a subject is too close to the edge of the frame. (June 2023)
- Get the story behind a somewhat abstract photo captured in a "hidden" corner of Rome, Italy, not too far from some of the most popular attractions. (June 2023)
- Gain insights into the use of blend modes in Photoshop for adjustments and creative effects. (May 2023)
- Learn how you can solve a common perspective problem with remarkable ease. (May 2023)
- Get tips for metering off a small area of a scene with spot metering. (May 2023)
- Learn about the different ways you can explore different versions of a single photo in Lightroom Classic. (May 2023)
- Get the story of needing to get my feet wet in order to get good light, and the surprise photo that was found in the process. (May 2023)
- Learn to leverage the power of targeted adjustments in Adobe Camera Raw for Photoshop. (April 2023)
- See how to simulate the appearance of a printed photo on your monitor display in Lightroom Classic. (April 2023)
- Get tips for fun techniques for blur effects in photography. (April 2023)
- Go beyond folders by leveraging collections in Lightroom Classic. (April 2023)
- Get the story behind a situation that demonstrated that sometimes the best photo is in a direction you forgot to look. (April 2023)
- Get tips on the benefits of defining star ratings for your photos in a way other than the "obvious" approach. (March 2023)
- Learn about process versions in Camera Raw and Lightroom Classic, and how to ensure you have access to the latest adjustment features for your photos. (March 2023)
- Learn what a working space color profile is, and how to make sure you're using the right one for optimizing your photos. (March 2023)
- See how you can compare photos quickly using the helpful survey and compare view options in Lightroom Classic. (March 2023)
- Tips from a local in the Palouse helped me find a canola field with unique terrain, which led to an interesting photo. (March 2023)
- Import photos automatically into Lightroom Classic from a "watched folder" (February 2023)
- Create the unique effect of a Lensbaby lens in Photoshop (February 2023)
- Learn to create a synchronized backup copy of your photos with GoodSync (February 2023)
- Get tips for upgrading to greater storage capacity for your photos using Lightroom Classic (February 2023)
- The story behind a photo of an unexpected waterfall when a road trip was diverted by weather (February 2023)
- Resolutions for better organizing your photos in the New Year (January 2023)
- Tips for choosing a monitor display (January 2023)
- How to easily count subjects in photos using Photoshop (January 2023)
- Understanding the Quick Collection in Lightroom Classic (January 2023)
- And more!
We also provide a full list of articles in a PDF from all issues of Pixology magazine.
Note that this magazine subscription is billed annually.